onsdag 6. februar 2013


With the launch of Evasi0n yesterday afternoon, reaching 100,000 users in the first 10 minutes, Cydia took a virtual beating making it almost useless for around 19 hours.

We are unsure of total numbers, however we do know that within 4 hours of the launch 270,000+ people were using it. As you will see in the picture below, it got some pretty large numbers. But what does this mean for Cydia?

Evasi0n Jailbreak
According to Cydia creator, Jay Freeman (saurik), "Note: (as of 4AM / 12AM UTC) Traffic from evasi0n has caused many errors. After 19 hours of work (and with tons of code rewritten; BigBoss, Modmyi, and I have all made major changes), things seem stable, despite continuing traffic. (If things do break, come back later! ;P) (Otherwise, be willing to retry things.)"

Everything has pretty much settled down at this point and you should be able to load your all the custom content you have grown to love over the years!

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